The signal by Hub
What is a Solution Architect? 4 Ways to be the Trusted Technical Advisor with Buyers
Solution architects, also known as presales and sales engineers, are professionals who represent vendors throughout the technical sales process. Sellers rely on...

What is a Solution Architect? 4 Ways to be the Trusted Technical Advisor with Buyers
Solution architects, also known as presales and sales engineers, are professionals who represent vendors throughout the technical sales process. Sellers...

What is Presales? 5 Ways the C-Suite Can Boost Sales Productivity
In today’s digital sales era, the presales engineer is critical to driving sales. While the word “presales” implies that this...

What Do Sales Engineering and Solution Architects Want From a Presales Productivity Platform?
Quotes from leaders and individual contributors on the ideal technical sales platform Throughout the last couple of decades, technical sellers...

Firefighters, Presales and Sales Engineering: What the C-Suite Needs to Know
Every C-Suite exec would profit by gaining a better understanding of presales and sales engineering along with their impact on...

What is a proof of concept (POC) in today’s technical sales era?
Presales and sales engineering professionals have historically played the quarterback role in managing a proof of concept (POCs). This is...

The Key to a Presales Budget: Showcase the Value Internally
Presales and sales engineering professionals have historically made do with generic tooling, like spreadsheets and customer relationship management (CRM) systems....